Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Extract comments in your python code

Comments in your code are always good for new person to understand the logic and flow of program. I guess, people likes programming more, if they comment properly, same way as i do. Proper commenting will not allow you to read code line by line. The best way to comment is to comment in such a way, you can extract it easily. I do comments in my python code using '##' which makes me easy to extract them from script. Following code extracts my comment:

import os
import sys
## python extract_comment.py filename comment_delimeter
filename = sys.argv[1]
sepr = sys.argv[2]
fl = open(filename,'r')
fl_con = fl.readlines()
for row in fl_con:
    if sepr in row:
        ind = row.find(sepr)
    print row[ind:]


copy the code in file extract_comment.py, filename is the python script from where you need to extract comments and comment_delimeter is '##' in my case.

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